Message from
President & CEO
Susan M. Pepin, M.D.


  • Drawn and committed to the mission established by Virginia Piper.

  • Inspired by Maricopa County’s collaborative approach to solving problems.

  • Listening and learning from the Trust’s 57 Piper Fellows.

Dear Colleagues and New Friends,

I am humbled by and grateful for the generous welcome I have received to Maricopa County. For the past 15 years, I’ve worked as a physician and administrator on the individual needs of patients and medical students. Piper Trust’s mission spoke to me due to its dedication to the overall health of the community. While my one-to-one work was meaningful, I am excited to play a role in serving needs that embody health more broadly defined.

The collaborative nature of this community’s approach to solving problems is striking—I’m inspired and eager to help serve and lead the next chapter of Piper Trust.– Susan M. Pepin, M.D.
President and CEO,
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust

Learning about the challenges facing Arizona communities continues to be a key priority for me—challenges in providing outstanding education; in supporting a thriving arts and culture community; in delivering healthcare and reducing disparities, all while considering the importance in all of these areas on our environmental sustainability. Attention to these issues, among others, is critical as we strive to enrich and protect the health, well-being, and opportunity for Arizonans now and in the future.

As I learn more about the people here, I am struck by three distinctive characteristics. The first is the openness of the community. I’m not a native yet am warmly welcomed—often causing me to reflect on the less entrenched ways of the Southwest. The second is the genuine dedication people have, personally and professionally, to helping others. The third, and most striking to me, is the collaborative nature of the community, across institutions and sectors, in its approach to solving problems. I’m energized and truly in awe of the work being done here.

Some have asked if I’ll miss working with patients—without hesitation, I’m quick to share how anxious I am to serve others in new ways by supporting Piper Trust’s initiatives. Through the Piper Fellows program for example, now 14 years strong, the Trust stays close to the pulse of the nonprofit community. I’m listening to and learning from our 57 Piper Fellows and look forward to being part of their continued impact as we enhance the program.

It is an honor to join this community and continue the momentum of Piper Trust’s work with nonprofits, public agencies, and foundations. While we remain committed to our six core grantmaking areas, my arrival allows an opportunity to reflect on our past and consider new possibilities as Maricopa County evolves. There is much to be done and your thoughts and ideas are always welcome. You can connect with me via email ( or Twitter (@SPPiperTrust). I have much to learn but will do my best in leading the next chapter of Piper Trust.

Warmest regards,

Sue Pepin


For questions or comments about Continuing the Momentum: Here to Stay (Piper Trust’s FY2014 Annual Report), or for ideas about future annual reports, please contact:

Karen Leland
Director of Communications/External Relations
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust

Report Design: Fervor Creative; special thank you to Adam Butler.
Photos: Sharon Price, Fervor Creative.
